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Delimart, victim of acts of violence and looting of 6, 7 and 8 July 2018.

In the days of July 6th, 7th, and 8th the Delimart Supermarkets we had in Delmas 30, Delmas 32 and Clercine were seriously attacked by those acts of violence and robbery in the daylight time; they even burned down many of our stores.

Because of this critical and sad situation, the administration of the Delimart Supermarket line had to lay off 673 employees. We were forced to make this difficult decision and we knew that 673 families were touched or impacted by this; and of course, these families will add onto the number of the people who are already unemployed.

We have a special thought for several tens of local product providers, artists and artisans, who will lose Delimart as one of their biggest customers because at Delimart it was always an honor to display or exhibit on our shelves our national products.

For you the faithful customers of Delimart, words are not enough for us to thank you for the actions and words of comfort that were expressed to us. In the midst of our pain today, we will always remember yesterday and all the good times we’ve had together. But as we look forward, we will continue to move forward together and sing together.

It is 20 years of trust!
It is 20 years of faithfulness!
It is 20 years of abundance!
It is 20 years of quality service!