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Founded in 1992, the Fonds de Parrainage National (FPN), a non-profit, apolitical and legally registered foundation, is a private sector initiative. It was set up as a national effort to attain universal education as rapidly as possible.

The foundation aims at providing quality education for most deprived children, girls and at boys equal in numbers; it is increasing access, retention and achievement for poor children in selected schools.

Participating schools are selected according to their merit, calculated by using fixed quantitative criteria set down by specialists within the foundation. All these schools are periodically inspected.

Today, the Fonds de Parrainage National (FPN) finances the education of more than 20,000 elementary school children in Haiti.

The strategy for choosing beneficiaries, i.e. the most needy children and the schools, is based on decentralized selection because the Fonds de Parrainage National decided to be present all around the country.

A pre-selection of beneficiaries is carried out according to the criteria set down by specialist within the foundation. Using fixed quantitative criteria, quotas of students to be sponsored are allocated to different geographic zones in proportion to the size of the school-aged population. The final selection is made according to the finances available.

The Fonds de Parrainage National is a first-hand example of collaboration and cooperation allowing:

  • The state to play a normative and financial role;
  • Private sector participation;
  • Communities and NGOs to exercise ability in self-management.

The Fonds de Parrainage National is working actively to create a more cooperative nation today and a more prosperous one tomorrow. Help the children of Haiti now and assist thereby in creating the Haiti of our dreams!