Through the Fondation Boulos (Boulos Foundation), the Group finances and supports several non-profit organizations working in the areas of Health and Education.
One of the main beneficiaries of the Fondation Boulos is the Haitian Non-Governmental Organization that has provided integrated services and healthcare to the populations of some poor areas since 1974 known as Centres de Développement et de la Santé or CDS (The Centers for Development & Health)

Foyer Culturel du Mexique: With funding from the Carlos Slim Foundation and the Fondation Boulos, amongst others, the newly renovated school will provide free schooling to 2000 students in Cité Soleil, the largest slum in Port-au-Prince.
Apart from the the Health –related activities, CDS offer the following services to the Haitian population: Education, drinking water, sanitation, financial support for small businesses and technical assistance.
The Fondation Boulos also contributes to the management and financing of the Fonds de Parrainage National (Funds for National Sponsorship)- a private Sponsorship Program for Education that covers tuition for over 25000 students.
The latest contributions of the Fondation Boulos are the following :
- Distribution of school kits in Cité Soleil
- Distribution of purchase orders at Delimart
- 66 Yamaha generators were given to the Haitian Government during the Matthew Hurricane
- Sponsorship of the 17th edition of the Youth Book Day
- Sponsorship of the solidarity raffle organized by the Association Amicale du Petit Séminaire Collège Saint-Martial (AAPSCM)