Dr. Reginald Boulos
On behalf of the Boulos Investment Group, I am welcoming you at our website. Lots of information is provided on the different components and activities of the Group which has been operating for many years.
To be a good innovator, one needs to listen to the others : Clients, partners, employees and even the competitors in order to better decide on things. We believe that business should be done democratically.
Transparency within the Boulos Group and the way it functions shows that there is respect for all, more especially for the clients. This is shown by the fact that useful information of the company is accessible to people. It also serves as way for the company to redefine the rules of the game which are the principle of mutual respect in everything. We can say that through this element, the Group makes a difference in the too “imposed up-on communicational manners” in the Local Business Sector.
The Group counts on your collaboration for the advancement of our country. Please, let us know of your requests, remarks/comments and critiques.
Dr. Reginald Boulos